The Inimitable Trish Corry Speaks

I`ve been off any blogging for some time now but a thread by Trish Corry on twitter today has moved me to post it here.

We have been long time friends & long time friends of Labor.

Without further ado here is her @threadreaderapp unroll

A big 🤬ing rant. 🧵

Do you know what I’m sick to death of? People pandering to the so called big “progressive” names on Twitter. People are responding now by prefacing tweets with “Labor isn’t perfect but”. 

The need to respond with “Labor isn’t perfect but” is borne from feeling the need to respond to a movement of post materialists. That is people who are comfortable and have the luxury of picking at tiny holes. Believe me…these people don’t take a calculator to the IGA. 

The aim of this movement is to make people uncomfortable with Labor. It’s to make you question whether it might be better to have a few more Greens or IND in parliament. Because “major parties are bad.” And as Bandt said “even if this risks more years of Coalition Govt” 

They have this big selfish vision that includes the entire country going down the drain. Cos the more you convince people that Labor are just as rotten as LNP, it gives the right wing populist an in. It gives them an avenue to convince people to vote for them & return L/NP. 

That is exactly what happened with “progressive” Stop Adani & the convoy of stupidity attacking regional and rural mining communities – with their anger and their slurs against coal mine workers. They gifted Palmer, PHON & LNP with a “Labor is anti worker campaign” on a platter. 

For one more seat – these “progressives” would risk once again Individual agreements. No rights for wrongful dismissal and the largest outsourced and casualised workforce beyond your imagination. Instead of backing Labor, They risked Morrison & we got him. And they’d do it again. 

There is no other party or IND EVER who have put the Big ideas on the table. Labor is the only party who gave us major reforms that we take for granted and would fight to the death if they got taken away. Medicare, Super, NDIS, Collective Bargaining, Affirmative Action & EEO 

So while you Greens/IND progressives stans sit their with your air of moral superiority, picking holes & tapping out your “why Labor is bad” memes and tweets and scarfing up the circle jerk of Juice Media and anti Labor Ind Blogs” (no you aren’t journos) you add nothing of value. 

In fact, you make progressive politics progressively worse. You definitely and absolutely don’t even have traditional working class leftism on your radar. Hell, you don’t even like workers who work in industries you don’t like. The slurs during stop Adani were disgusting. 

Imagine instead of the work you put into attacking Labor and their supporters, that you used that time & effort to hold each other to account? That you used a bit of intelligence and had an actual awareness of who is actually bad for everyone earning less than a million a year. 

That you actually called out the lies. Eg. the Greens trot out to make memes. How you might go to Hansard and say “Hey Green MP, Labor didn’t vote against that – you put a motion into the wrong bill” Or hey IND, umm Labor is nothing like the Liberals. 

There is absolutely no space on the anti worker right wing where people fawn about pandering to RW minor parties with “Liberals aren’t perfect but” because RW minor parties don’t try with all their might to kick the right out of power, under the guise of “Liberals are Bad” 

Is Labor perfect? Who TF Cares? Is anything in politics perfect? Is it perfect to block the supply of housing? Is it perfect to create hatred against “the left” by taking a convoy to a mining town to tell them they are selfish and should get another job” Clearly not! 

So until you lot of pearl clutching so called leftists start calling out your own, and stop working so hard to give the RW minor parties an in to that doubt you are creating in the minds of voters. I am right here to say – I see you exactly for who you are.

End Rant. 

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